Friday, 28 November 2014

Progressive Sanctification

Today's Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:1
"As you received from us how you ought to live, and to please God, . . . do so more and more."
Read it online at the Bible Gateway: (NIV) (NASB) (KJV) (The Message)
Warring against the sin that remains in us and putting on Christ-like character is usually called sanctification. But because the term definitive sanctification is used to describe the point-in-time decisive deliverance from sin's dominion, it's helpful to speak of Christian growth as progressive sanctification. The word progressive indicates positive change. To use the tug-of-war analogy, it assumes that though the rope may move back and forth, over time it moves in the right direction until finally at the end of our lives we win the tug-of-war against sin.
There's no doubt this rope must move in the right direction. The New Testament writers assume our growth and continually urge us to pursue it. We're to pursue holiness "more and more," and to love each other "more and more" (1 Thessalonians 4:1,9-10). We're to possess the qualities of Christian character "in increasing measure" (2 Peter 1:8, NIV). However, we can always expect resistance. To stay with the tug-of-war analogy, although the Spirit who dwells within us is stronger than the sinful nature, that nature continues to "dig in its heels" every step of the way. And sometimes it will pull the rope in the wrong direction.
What is it then that will keep us going in the face of this internal conflict? The answer is the Gospel. What will motivate us and keep us going—even in the midst of the tension between the Spirit and the sinful nature—is the assurance in the Gospel that we have indeed died to the guilt of sin, that there's no condemnation for us who are in Christ Jesus, that the Lord will never count our sins against us, and that we're truly delivered from the reigning power of sin.

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