There are three things which belong essentially to a
marriage: to leave one's parents, to
cleave to each other, and to become one flesh. In other words, there is a legal, a personal,
and a physical aspect of marriage. They
are inseparable. If you do separate
them, the whole thing falls apart.
Marriage is like a three-legged stool.
If one of the legs is lacking, the stool won't hold you up when you sit
on it."
Should we approach marriage first from the legal,
the personal, or the physical side? What
is the best way? The traditional answer was to start with
the legal aspect, with the wedding. Here the great danger is that the
personal aspect, the aspect of love, is then left out of the picture. This is why young people in your midst rebel
today against this traditional answer, for they are just in the process of
discovering the beauty of this personal aspect.
The modern answer was to start with the physical
aspect, with sex. The danger is that then the
legal aspect is left out and it never comes to a wedding. This is why the older people among you reel
against this modern answer. They are
afraid that family life will deteriorate altogether.
Today we shall hear the biblical answer to our
question. In order to find this answer we have to
consider the first word of our key Bible verse, Genesis 2:24:
Therefore a man
leaves his father and his mother
and cleaves to his
and they become one flesh.
In order to understand this word “therefore” we must
recall the story which comes before it.
It is a well-known and often ridiculed story. It tells about the incomprehensible kindness
of God which He wanted to show to man when He made him a “helpmeet,” a “helper
fit for him,” a partner equal to him, completing him:
the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took
one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; and the rib which the Lord
God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.”
This story is the most wonderful and unique
description of the reality of love.
"Why do the two sexes long for each other without ceasing? How can it be explained that they are
magnetically attracted to each other?
The answer is: They are made out
of the same piece - just like the Liberian carving I showed you the other
night. They are parts of a whole and
want to restore this whole again, want to complete each other, want to
become “one flesh.” The power which
drives them toward each other is the power of love. "Therefore, truly, for love's
sake, the two shall leave their parents, cleave to each other and become
The Love Entrance
When we ask ourselves the question, at which angle
do we enter the marriage triangle, the Bible would answer, at the angle of
cleaving. (I took my wooden triangle
in my hand and pointed to the left angle.)
It is this angle of cleaving which is the best door to use to enter the
triangle. Love has to precede marriage
and sex. It is not marriage which leads
to love, but love which leads to marriage.
It is not sex which creates love, but love which seeks, among other
things, also the physical expression.
The entrance at the angle of love is the most
promising as far as the development and unfolding of the dynamism of the
triangle is concerned. Therefore it
corresponds with God's will. There is
another reason why God wants us to enter through the door of love.
The public and legal act of
the wedding
as well as the sex act
create irrevocable
facts, while love does not.
An engaged couple may one day feel that they made a
decision too soon, that the time was not yet ripe and that their engagement was
a mistake. They then have the possibility of breaking their engagement without
causing an incurable wound to the partner.
For love's sake they can let each other go.
So long as the other two angles are not involved,
the angle of love is like a revolving door - a door through which you can
enter, but in case of necessity, through which you can also leave.
The wedding act is not like a revolving door. It's
like a door which shuts and there is no handle inside. Of course, it can be forced open. But this is much more difficult. We could
say that a divorce is more difficult and has more consequences than a broken
engagement, regrettable as this may be.
The same is true about the sex act. It also creates an irrevocable fact. According to biblical thinking, two human
beings who have shared the sexual act are never the same afterward. They can no longer act toward each other as
if they had not had this experience. It
makes out of those involved in it a couple bound to each other. It creates a one-flesh bond with all its
According to the Bible, this is the case regardless
of whether the couple is serious or not, regardless of whether they intend to
get married or not; yes, says the Apostle Paul, it is true even in the case of
prostitution. In I Corinthians 6:16 we read:
“Do you not know that he who joins himself to a prostitute becomes
one body with her?" After the sex act they are a couple in spite of
You may also succeed if you enter through one of the
other doors, but it is risky. If you want to retreat, you will hurt your
partner and yourself. This leads us
to a very practical question. I know
many young couples who say: 'We would
like to enter through the door of love.
But how can we know that our love is deep enough to lead us to a
lifelong cleaving, to complete faithfulness?
How can we be sure that our love is mature enough to take the wedding
vows and promise to stay together all our lives until death separates us? If sex is no test of love, what is the
test then?
The Sharing Test
Real love wants to share, to give, to reach
out. It thinks of the other one not of
himself. When you read something how
often do you have the thought, I would like to share this with my friend? When you plan something you think of
what you would
like to do or what the other one would enjoy? As Hermann Oeser, a German author, has put
“Those who want to be happy
should not marry.
The important thing is to
make the other one happy. Those
who want to be understood should not marry. The important thing is to
understand one's partner.”
The first test then is this: Are we able to share together? Do I want to become happy or make happy?
The Strength Test
I got a letter once from a worried lover. He had read somewhere that one loses weight
if one is truly in love. In spite of all
his feelings of love, he didn't lose weight and that worried him. It is true that the love experience can also
affect you physically. But in the long
run, real love should not take away your strength; instead, it should give
you new energy and strength. It
should fill you with joy and make you creative, willing to accomplish even
Second test question: Does our love give us new strength and fill
us with creative energy, or does it take away our strength and energy?
The Respect Test
There is no real love without respect, without being
able to look up to the other one. A girl
may admire a boy when she watches him play soccer and score all the goals. But if she asks herself the questions: “Do I want this boy to be the father of my
children?” very often the answer will be in the negative.
A boy may admire a girl when he sees her
dancing. But if he asks himself the
question: “Do I want this girl to be
the mother of my children?” she may look very different to him.
Third test question:
Do we really have enough respect for each other? Am I proud of my partner?
The Habit Test
Once a European girl who was engaged came to me and
was very worried: “I love my fiancé very
much,” she said, “but I just can't stand the way he eats an apple.” Love accepts the other one with his
habits. Don't marry on the installment
plan, thinking that these things will change later on. Very likely they will not. You must accept the other one as he is
now, including his habits and shortcomings.
Fourth test question: Do we only love each other or do we also like
each other?
The Quarrel Test
When a couple come to me and want to get married, I
always ask them if they have once had a real quarrel - not just a casual
difference of opinion, but a real fight.
Many times they will say: “Oh,
no! Pastor, we love each other.” Then I tell them: “Quarrel first - and then I will marry
you.” The point is, of course, not the
quarreling, but the ability to be reconciled to each other. This ability must be trained and tested
before marriage. Not sex, but rather this
quarrel test, is a 'required' pre-marital experience.
Fifth test question:
Are we able to forgive each other and to give in to each other?
The Time Test
A young couple came to me to be married. “How long have you known each
other?" I asked. “Already three, almost four weeks,” was the
answer. This is too short. One year, I would say, is the minimum. Two years may be safer. It is good to see each other, not only on
holidays and in Sunday clothes, but also at work, in daily living, unshaved and
in a T-shirt, or with hair that needs to be washed and set, in situations of
stress or danger. There is an old
saying: “Never get married until you have summered and wintered with your
partner.” In case you are in doubt about
your feeling of love, time will tell.
Last test question:
Has our love summered and wintered?
Do we know each other long enough?
If a couple want to use the
sex act in order to know whether they love each other, one has to ask them:
“Do you love each other so
If both of them think: “Tonight we must have sex
-otherwise my partner will think that I don't love him or that he does not love
me,” the fear of a possible failure is sufficient to prevent the success of the
experiment. Sex is no test of love, for
it is precisely the very thing that one wants to test which is destroyed by the
Try to observe yourself when you go to sleep. Either you observe yourself, then you don't
fall asleep. Or you fall asleep, and
then you haven't observed yourself. The
same is true about sex as a test of love.
Either you test, then you don't love.
Or you love, then you don't test.
For its own sake, love needs to wait with its physical expression until
it can be included in the dynamism of the triangle.
This waiting is usually harder for the young man
than for the girl. Therefore, the girl
has to help the young man here, who, because of his natural impetuousness, is
more tempted to aim short of the goal. The
first help she can give him is to learn how to say 'no' without wounding,
how to refuse without breaking off. This
is an art.
She will soon discover, however, that a simple and
definite “no” is more helpful and effective than long explanations and
excuses. If he loves her, the young man
will respect her the more because of it.
She will have to teach him, too, that an honest compliment may be more
meaningful to her than a passionate embrace.
Another help she can give him is through her ability
to blush. One says that formerly girls blushed when they
were embarrassed. Today they are
embarrassed when they blush. But this
blushing, this natural reaction of shame, is nothing to be ashamed
of. It is a defense and a protection at
the same time. Girls should consider their natural feeling of shame and modesty
in certain situations as a gift and put it into the service of love.
The Special Situation Of Engaged Couples
Let's imagine now that we have a couple who did not
enter into the triangle through the sex entrance, but through the love
entrance. Their situation is
different and we have to discern very carefully these two approaches.
They have known each other for a long time. They do not need to test their love by
sex. They have learned how to
share. They both have more energy and
strength because of their love. Their
mutual respect has deepened. They have
accepted the habits of each other and really like each other. They have quarreled and gone through stormy
times. They know they can forgive each
are now at the point where they can make the promise to each other: 'We want to cleave together for life.' This means they become engaged. They have entered the triangle through the
door of love - love resolved to cleave.
But now they have to make a
crucial decision:
“Which of the two
other angles shall we reach first? Shall
we first get married and then sleep together or first sleep together
and then get
This situation is entirely different from the one we
had yesterday when we discussed the “sex entrance.” This couple do not consider sex as the first
step without any commitment to each other. They have committed themselves and
this after a long a careful examination.
They really have no egotistical motives but have accepted responsibility
for each other.
Now they ask:
“Why can't we express this
love also in a physical way? Why must we
first get an official license
to go to bed together? Is it really that piece of paper which brings
marriage into being?”
Of course it isn't - any more than a birth
certificate brings a baby into being.
Still, it's more than just a piece of paper. It protects human life legally. The same is true about the marriage
license. It protects marriage legally.
We have seen that the legal aspect is an essential for the unfolding of
the play of forces within the marriage triangle as is the personal and the
physical aspect. Those engaged couples who want to take a right turn and start
their marriage before the wedding overlook one fact: the unpredictability of human life.
How can they be so sure that they will get married? What if one of them dies before the
wedding? Car accident? Heart attack?
Is he then a widower or not? Is
she a widow? Can they inherit from each
other? Is she a Miss or a Mrs.? And in case she is pregnant - what is the
family name of the child? These
questions show that a marriage license is more than a piece of paper. So long as they are not yet ready to take the
legal step, they are not ready to take full responsibility for each other. Responsibility calls for legality.
this mean that they suppress all signs of affection? Walk first to the alter and then expect the
great revelation? No, certainly
not. This would block the unfolding of
the play of forces just as much as the disregard of the legal aspect. The secret is that the lovers grow and
make progress in both directions at the same time without skipping
any of the steps."
I turned to the blackboard and drew parallel lines
in this way:
Each step in the direction of faithfulness and
wedlock should go hand in hand with the deepening of tenderness and intimacy,
until finally, coming from the entrance of love, the two other angles - wedlock
and sexual union - are reached at the same time. Only from the perspective of the goal can
this question be answered. The point
is that each step toward intimacy must be balanced by the same measure of
responsibility and faithfulness.
What usually happens here is this: The young man says to the girl, 'I love
you,' and what he means is just an inch in the direction of faithfulness. But the girl is so happy about it that she,
in turn, allows him to go three inches in the direction of intimacy.
Then the boy thinks, This worked fine, so he adds
another inch toward faithfulness. The
girl replies by giving him four more inches in the direction of intimacy. Before they know it, they end up at the sex
angle, without being able to carry the full responsibility for this step.
Instead of parallel lines you then have slanted lines. Then Daniel rubbed out my parallel lines and
replaced them with slanting lines:
"As you see," I said, pointing to the
slanting lines of the triangle, "there is now a vacuum, an empty space in
the triangle.” This is the situation of
many of our engaged couples in America and Europe, too. They think they love each other. But then they go too far too soon. An emptiness creeps into their
relationship. They become less and
less sure of their love. So they
intensify their intimacies in the hope of intensifying their love. The more they do it, the less they are sure
of their love.
On the other hand, they don't dare to break their
engagement because they have already gone too far. So they get married, but they carry this
emptiness into their marriage and thereby lay the foundation for many troubles
and problems later on.
keep the parallel lines from slanting is a difficult job. It takes more than human wisdom and
strength. It needs divine wisdom and
It needs the help of the
master artist
of marriage who is God
He knows why He relates the three elements of
marriage - leaving, cleaving, one flesh - so closely together that they become
inseparable. We have to trust Him
and know that by doing so He does not want to take something away from us, but
He wants to give us something - to help us create a work of art. This confidence and trust in Him will give us
strength to obey His divine will:
"Therefore a man leaves his father and his
mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh.”
In closing, let me call your attention to the
following verse: “And the man and the
wife were both naked, and were not ashamed”
(Gen. 2:25).
"Naked, and … not ashamed.”
“Naked” is not meant here in a physical sense
only. It means to stand in front of each
other, stripped and undisguised, without pretension, without hiding anything,
seeing the partner as he or she really is and showing myself to him or her as I
really am - and still not to be ashamed.
“Naked, and … not ashamed.” But this ultimate goal of mature love is
promised only to those who, as the previous verse says, have left father and
mother and cleave to each other; in other words, those who have been publicly
and legally married.
These two - not the ones before or outside of
marriage - become one flesh. It is
very meaningful that the Bible uses the term 'becoming one flesh' only in the
context of marriage.
there has to be a sense of shame before marriage in order for there to be
within marriage the grace of not being ashamed.
“Naked, and … not ashamed.”
This is what the Bible means by the word “to
know.” “Adam knew Eve his wife” (Gen. 4:1).
Husband and wife can “know” each other only within
the tent.
a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become
one flesh.”
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