First and foremost I will start by establishing the
birth of God’s sovereignty and man’s choices and I hope you are patient with me
and you read with an open mind has I build my case. The oxford advance learner
defines sovereignty has “having the complete power to govern a country or
kingdom”. Therefore God’s sovereignty means “God having the complete power to
govern the world he created (I know some people have issues with that but I am
assuming you don’t). The oxford advance learner also defines choices as the
right to choose. It also defines choose as to prefer or decide to do something
(which is dependent on the person).
When God created the world/earth and the heavens in
Genesis 1:1 he had the complete power (sovereignty) over what he created as the
creator has a manufacturer or writer has patent over what he designed or
created. The fact that the world was created has been established by different
religions and world views though science argues other wise and like Ravis
Zacharias puts it in “The end of reasoning” as he argues about origin that “Nothing
cannot produce something”. I won’t go into that since I have a lot of grounds
to cover but you can check up this wonderful literature. Back to where I left
off, the creator created the world (heaven and earth) for a specific purpose/
reason which is for his glory. It was written that he was happy with all he
created as he created them in Genesis 1: 4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25 and 31. He was the
major determinant if it was good or not because all that he created was for his
own gratification!
Man’s choices came into
being (birth) when the enemy (the devil) created doubts in the mind of Eve in
Genesis 3. She was in the dilemma of either accepting God’s sovereignty (by
believing his commands are for her good) or taking to her reasoning which was
created by the devil with the question “Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the
garden'?" Remember the devil was jealous of God’s sovereignty and he still
is to date. He wishes he had that to himself and that is why he is where he is
today among men as confirmed in Isaiah 14: 12-14. Therefor the devil man
choices leading to the birth of reasoning all with the aim to spite God out of
jealousy. Man has bought into this lie for years now battling reason when the
answer is in all he created (Romans 1:20)…..this was the beginning of man’s
In the midst of all of this plots and counter plots, God’s
sovereignty never for once diminished because he is still in charge and he
shows every now and then. He displayed this by banishing man from the garden in
Genesis 3:23 even though he showed he cared by providing for man in verse 21.
In banishing man, God tried to protect man from himself because if he eats from
the tree of life, he will live forever with his choices in verse 22. Inherently,
man’s choices lead to the advent of evil; Cain killing Abel out of jealousy
despite God’s warning in Genesis 4 and it lead to a down trend in decadence. God
had to display his sovereignty several times in history just to show that he is
still in charge despite man’s choices as seen at the flood (Genesis 6), Babel
(Genesis 11) among others.
Man’s choices drove him to be very self-centered against the
master plan of why he was created in the first place which was for God’s
gratification. Till date God has been trying to establish his sovereignty over
man but man keeps running far away out of reasoning after eating the fruit. So many
stories in the bible and history establishes this. God created moral law
thinking it will guide man back to him making him accept his sovereignty but it
just pushed him further far away (Exodus 19).
The so much evil in the world is because of man’s choices
which has led him to be so self-centered. He has destroyed the world once with
water out of anger, he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah too by fire. He has
promised not to destroy man this way anymore but provided solution which is
found in Jesus his one and only son which resulted in the birth of faith (John
3:16). He did this out of love for mankind despite his strange choices….. “He doesn’t
want anyone to perish but for everyone to be saved” (2 peter 3: 9). This
accounts for his patience today despite the level of decay and immorality in
the world today. If man believes in Jesus, he accepts God’s sovereignty over
his or her life.
Self-centeredness which is the result of reasoning has made
man to feel I am here on earth for my own gratification thereby trying to be
god…. I tell you this is the devil’s oldest trick. He tried to pull it on Job
(Job) and Jesus (Matthew 4). He is trying to pull the same trick on us today
and so many have fallen to this trick. 1 John 2: 15, 16 (msg) gives details on this
old trick. He makes man to be consumed with; 1. Always wanting your own way, 2.
Always wanting everything for yourself and 3. Always wanting to appear
important. All these self-centered virtues comes has a result of man’s choices.
When we don’t get all of this things we turn on God saying he is unfair
inherently questioning his sovereignty and the devil as a good laugh at this as
was portrayed in the movie “suing the devil”. His ultimate goal is to turn us
against God and bring us to where he is destined to be.
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